Patronal Icon
By the hand of Oleh Skoropadsky

Front Row, Left to Right:
Jehudiel (Patron of kings, judges and other rulers), Raphael (Angel of Healing),
Uriel (Flame of God), Michael (Angel of Protection), Gabriel (Messenger of God), Selaphiel (Angel of Prayer), Barachiel (Angel of Blessing)
Back Row – unnamed
Other Angels named in various early Christian writings (Ethiopian, Coptic, Slavic):
Camael, Jophiel, Zadkiel. Raguel, Jerahmeel, Phanuel, Remiel, Saraqael.
Please see our monthly calendar for a schedule of Liturgical Services.
All liturgical services are celebrated in English.
In communion with the Pope of Rome.
Confessions: Saturdays from 4:00 – 4:45 PM or by appointment.
Prayer for the deliverance of Ukraine in this time of Invasion
Adapted from the Great Book of Needs
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord have mercy.
Priest: O Lord God of powers, and God of our salvation, O God, who alone work wonders: look down with mercy and compassion on your humble servants, and out of your great love hear and have mercy on the nation of Ukraine. Enemies have gathered together in order to subjugate them. But you who know all things, understand that they have done this unrighteously, and that it will be impossible for the defenders to oppose these overwhelming aggressors unless you show them your help. Therefore, we who are sinful and unworthy pray to you in repentance and with tears: Help them, O God, our Savior, and deliver the land of Ukraine for the sake of the glory of your Name, that the enemy may not say: “Their God has forsaken them, and there is none to deliver and save them:”
Grant your mercy and compassion, O Lord, to your humble servants who fight in defense of their homeland and its suffering people, even though they are outnumbered. Hear our prayers, and enlighten and strengthen the hearts of the defenders and of their civil authorities in your mercy and protect them by your might.
Rise up to their help and thwart the evil plans of the enemy. Oppose those who provoke and make war, and bless those who work for peace. Grant your mercy and courage to the defenders of Ukraine in this attack against them. To those that lay down their lives for their country, and to the innocent civilians killed in the war, grant forgiveness of their trespasses, and in the day of the righteous reckoning grant them incorruptible crowns.
For you are the health and victory and salvation of those who put their hope in you, and we glorify you: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever.
People: Amen.
Donations for humanitarian aid to Ukraine may be made to the following 501c3 organizations:
Revived Solders Ukraine www.rsukraine.org
United Ukrainian American Relief Committee: www.uuarc.org
Ukrainian National Women’s League of America: www.unwla.org
Here is a comparison of our domes before and after:
Drag the slider to see the change!
Our Book & Icon Shop is once again open on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Ethnic Foods hours during the week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday from 10 to 2. Please call the hall first at (858) 268-3458 to alert Daniele and to verify availability.
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Thank you for visiting the Holy Angels website. We hope you find our site informative and edifying. We also invite you to join us for one of our liturgical services – services that have been part of the worshipping tradition of apostolic Christianity since the era of the early Christian Church.
Our parish is part of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy (diocese) of Phoenix. Our parish is more than just a place where people come to worship the living God (although it is first and foremost that!). Holy Angels is a vibrant faith community of people of all ages and backgrounds who are working out their faith together and raising their families in accordance with the commandments of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the sacred norms for spiritual life of the Byzantine Catholic Church.
Many of our congregants journeyed to the Byzantine Catholic Church from other Christian faith traditions and denominations and some non-Christian religious and spiritual traditions. Whether you are “on a journey” or just wanting to visit a local Byzantine Catholic parish you are most welcome at Holy Angels.
We invite you to learn about our family oriented Byzantine Catholic Church, in communion with the Pope of Rome while also maintaining our ancient Eastern traditions. Browse through this web site or our Facebook page. Please contact me if you have any questions.
You are very welcome to join us at all of our liturgical services. If you are searching for a spiritual home, consider Holy Angels Church. We are always honored and blessed to have visitors join us for prayer, worship, and fellowship.
God bless you.
Fr. James